Trinity A1 or B1 Training & Exam
BOOK & Pay Online | Booking Line: 07703 125 748 | Book & Pay Over the PHONE
Take your exam from one of these 10 SELT Centres. £175 for Exam Only | £200 with Online Training | £350 with Classroom Training.
London Holborn | London Hammersmith | Manchester | Birmingham | Leeds | Glasgow | Croydon | Peterborough | Cardiff | Belfast
Grade 2 (5 mins): A1 Exam - Home Office Approved - FLR (M) , FLR (O) & FLR (FP)
Grade 5 (10 mins): B1 Exam - Home Office Approved - SET (M), AN, FLR (M) , FLR (O) & FLR (FP)
Applicable for British Passport, Indefinite Leave to Remain, Spouse & Extension
Law is changing from Nov 2015. There will be ONLY 10 Centres in the Entire UK where you will be allowed to take exam.
If you need to pass B1 or A1 Exam, Visit & Enrol now for your A1 or B1 Training and Exam in Glasgow.
Result: 24 Hours | Certificate: 7 Days | Please CLICK HERE to BOOK ONLINE
Exam Only = £175 | Exam with Online Training = £200 | Exam with Classroom Training £250
for other options, please Call us on 07703 125 748 or You CAN NOW PRACTICE ONLINE
Complete your Trinity A1 or B1 Training and Exam in Glasgow.
Who is it for (A1 or B1???)

There are 5 levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1
- A1 = This is the Lowest Level among the 5 Level. And you must Pass this Level If you wish to apply for Spouse/Extension i.e. FLR(M), FLR(O), FLR(FP)
- B1 = This is a Standard Level. And British Government expects you to speak in this level before you become a British Citizen. You must Pass this level, if you wish to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain or British Citizenship. This level is also accepted for Spouse and Extension as B1 is Higher than A1. You can apply for FLR(M), FLR(O), FLR (FP), SET(M) and AN.
Sample Exam (Watch Grade 5 - B1 Exam)